Monday, July 30, 2012

Mulberry tree & Seeds

Hurray! I had managed to buy myself a mulberry tree from Putrajaya FLORIA 2012. Very good deal. It only cost me RM7 per tree. So regretted i only bought one. But it is okay, i can grow it myself from the cutting next time. Mulberry tree is very easy to be propagated through cutting.

When i can taste the 1st mulberry fruit???

Besides, i also managed to grab some seeds with very good price. i bought corn seeds and petola or luffa seeds. Last but not least,i bought broad bean seeds (kacang parang)! yeah, u hear me right. It is broad bean! i have not seen broad bean seeds before. But i did try those roasted one as a snack.

Ya, i only have 2 broad bean seeds


  1. hi moiii....wwah many seeds errr... i wanted to see how the broad bean looks like..never heard before..mesti best kan..

  2. yaya me too. i never see the real plant. but i do read the broad bean post in
    i am curious how they make the broad bean snack sell in supermarket
