Monday, August 5, 2013

Papaya Tree 'Mati Pucuk???'

Please do not laugh >_<. I think my papaya tree have symptom of 'mati pucuk' suddenly after bear me 4 super sweet papayas. 

I checked through the tree, there was no sign of pet invasion & the root also look very healthy. 

Ya, after 3 days, i had to say 'bye bye' to the tree, it was gone forever.
Day 1..Look ok ja right

Day 2...

Day 3..  ....>_<....



  1. Replies
    1. Srikota garden, i pun ingat mayb serangan mealbug or apa..but i checked through really nth there..tu yg make me geram..unknown reason..yish yish

  2. Hi Olive,
    Sorry but can't hold it,hihihi!literally "mati pucuk" ya,kasihan pokok ni(which is supposedly the female one?).nampak mcm serious conditionnya,dah x blh diselamatkan lg ye?tgk gmbr ada bnyk lg buah blm ranum kat pokok..sayangnya,xde rezeki u.

    1. hahahah...ya Narshifa..papaya tree tu memang 'mati pucuk' literally kan....wakakak...actually the tree just started to bear me papayas for second round. Thanks to my mom, she came over & put lots of baja & we noticed that the papaya tree memang subur balik n bear bigger papayas (tengah happy ni)..manatao...suddenly mati pucuk.. >_<

  3. Leng lui oii..
    ini sudah serius problem woo..mmg takde rezki sempat jgk kan bg zuriat sblm mati kan...hehehe

    1. Sis, really sgt sgt serious! sekejap ja pokok tu dah botak!!!! Haiz, anyway nasib baik sempat rasa papaya tu kan...

  4. Hi Olive,

    Sayangnya, x lama memberi khidmat pada tuannya! Kalau tahu puncanya lain kali bolehlah berhati-hati ya! Kena buat post-mortem nampaknya ya, he he!

    1. Hi Ummu Madinah, ya really so sayang!!! still dunno the punca...takut lah...what a life kan..out of our control..wah, scientific term ni..boleh buat post mortem....but tak pandai post mortem diagnosis @_@

  5. Hi.. dah tengok ke bhg dalam btg tu...maybe dah rosak like to vet deeper..
