Friday, January 18, 2013


See, this is what I got after spending 6 months in growing these little poor carrots. Ya, I am quite disappointed but it was really fun as this is the 1st time I had tried to grow carrot. Sis Ummuaidan, I really need your guidance for this…:p

BTW, the carrot leaves are really smell very good. Is it edible?


  1. Wah..daun carrot tu sihat olive..tapi mana carrotnya?hehe..tahniah sebab berjaya juga tanam carrot..saya semai..tak tumbuh tumbuh carrot tu..rumput ada la tumbuh..hehe..:D

    1. hitomi, there is no carrot at all!! fail la. Tak berjaya! That's all i get! just the leaves!

  2. sy pernah semai dan tuai carrot. carrot jenis tumbuhan berubi jd ia perlukan byk baja dan air. kalau lambat tuai dan kurang air, ubinya jd keras dan berserat. kekurangan air juga boleh sebabkan ubi carrot jadi bercabang2...lagi satu, kalau bahagian atas ubi da hampir hijau, cepat2 kambus dengan tanah. ubinya akan jadi hijau kalau terkena cahaya matahari.

    1. Hi wanie, i punya carrot ni langsung tak nampak ubinya..huhu...all i get is only the daun! ya kah perlu banyak baja? i try to put pellet chicken manure. banyak yg mati.

  3. Olive.., mana carrotnya? Most carrots can be harvested in less than three months and they can be picked anytime they reach a usable size. The largest carrots will have the darkest, greenest tops, but don't leave the roots in the ground too long or they will be tough.

    1. Adry, no carrot all! not even a baby size carrot! i so hairan ni!

  4. The leaves are edible. But the older leave will taste stronger than the young ones. Try yang daun nampak muda lah sikit.

    1. Thanks tukang kebun. i use the carrot leaves as a ketumbar leaves.But i dare not pun banyak...

  5. heheheheh...where's the carrot moi...u make me laugh.and laugh..joking or what?
    how old the carrot when u harvest it? did u plant using the right method or not..? did u used the right soil.? did u water regulary..? i rs u punya soil yg kurang sesuai tu agaknya....

    1. I am serious sis!! no carrot all!! i pun laugh myself when i korek the carrot! but tak jumpa!! yis yis! but tat soil quite nice sebab banyak compost & gembur! just no luck i guess!

  6. olive, saya pun sama..daun punya lah rimbun..ingatkan ada lah isi nya...i dah korek satu pokok semasa ummuaidan put an entry bout carrot last time...tapi outcome mcm yg u tunjuk tu...that time 4 months plus same as yg ummuaidan punya...huhu the rest i leave it...tapi rasanya mcm nak cabut semua lah..seem u punya 6 months kan..

    1. Hi nadia, that's y i cabut semua. i feel like i better space the place for other vege. Macam more worth! carrot ni dah tunggu berbulan-bulan but get nothing!

  7. Mine in progress....tapi satu pokok je..others dah mati :(

  8. saya punya carrot ada juga isi walaupun kecil. yang terbaru ada la sebesar bola pingpong tapi tak sempat snap gambar sebab dah campak dalam sangkar Abbit the rabbit :p

  9. waaa... umur carrot saya baru je 3 minggu... takutnya... apalah nasib carrot tu yer...

  10. sama! i planted carrot since i moved to USJ.. April ni masuk 1 year. Apa yg ada? pokoknya sj.. below part x sampai 1, fail..
