Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bayam/amaranthus grow madly

One of the vegetable that grow madly...uncontrollable... in my garden is bayam or amaranthus. 

There are 3 types of bayam there in my garden, the green one, the red one and the mix color one.  

I did not sow the bayam seeds. I did grow bayam on my last August's post and did keep 2-3 bayam plants till old for seed collecting. i am very sure that I did cut off the old bayam and had collected the seeds. 

So where are all these bayam seeds come from? I still don’t get it. 

Anyway, I am very happy with it. It grows so well although by itself! No complain! Much much better than those vegetable that purposely plant with planning.

I had given away my bayam to many peoples and i myself had cooked it many times. Taste so so good! It is still so fertile +fat + tall now! 

It is now started to grow seeds. I guess when I water my plants, the water bring the fertilizer to the bayam. I did put lots of baja.  Let's enjoy the beauty of bayam ^_^ wuhahah


  1. Wah leng loii..very nice & healthy bayam...grow on its own also...heheh..maybe one of yr friend tabur seeds kat yr garden kot that's why tumbuh..hehehe..i wish can get some bayam giveaway from this niceyy garden too...hehehe..
    btw abu aidan saw yr fence he said look like our gate also..heheh

    1. haha sis. i did insert this red bayam seeds to u...depends la ur luck will receive it o not...hiahia...sis, do u notice there is actually a big big big longkang jz beside the fence? can u see there is a water there? that's is the purpose of the fence. Mr musle's dad made for me...he scare i fall down

  2. Wow your amaranth is gorgeous. Rasa nak tanam banyak lah..

    1. Cantik kan mama pongkey! tengok pun mood dah baik! tanam tanam jangan tak tanam...hahah

  3. slurppp...
    rasa macam nak makan je gambar bayam tu...menyelerakan... geram... ;)

    1. ejamaria, memang sedap tao! somemore is racun serangga free.Jangan la geram, ur big big big pisang also make me geram!! haha

  4. Hi olive..singgah dari blog ummuaidan..saya folo blog awak..harap sudi folo saya ya.. :)

    1. Hi hitomi LAvender, nice to meet u here. of course la i sudi.
      U know what, actually my hometown dekat ngan pantai remis. But i dunno maksud "remis" until i read ur post on "Memancing dan mencari remis di teluk kopiah(dekat dengan swiss garden,lumut)" . Now only i know remis is a type of seafood..haha

    2. Haha..thnk u for reading my post..remis taste like lala and kerang.but small in size only. :D

  5. Bayam one veggies love to self-seed. Ours also same tak perlu tanam lagi just keep coming voluntarily. Yours look so healthy, ours berlubang-lubang the snail so hungry kut sekarang. The tri-colour bayam look so pretty loh.

  6. Yaya. Pretty kan. Thanks. U r right! Now memang dah tak payah tanam bayam. But, skrg ni my bayam aso start to berlubang-lubang. a lot of green worms. snail tak nampak lagi.

  7. my red bayam x brapa red.. tanah terlalu subur maybe. Tapi tak pernah letak baja pun..

  8. so many bayam!!!.... i am just sowing the green bayam. the tricolour amaranth keep popping up from the previous planting.

  9. Aiyoh so nice!! I also have the same
    Prob with u, I just moved here and I have mixed colour bayam growing on the grass. Then I thought oh so easy to plant so I bought the green seeds, satu pun cannot grow. And now another green one is growing far far away from the place where I sow my seeds. They don't like to grow on nice soil I think. So envy lah!
