Friday, October 12, 2012

Lady's Finger/Okra

Yeah! Finally my okra are big enough for me to harvest! i have about 12 okra now in the fridge. Enough for us ^_^

This time the okra plants give me fruit a bit late. Maybe I grow them too close to the roselle plants. Make them have not enough sun light. 

Anyway, the okra still turn out. So no complain. Hopefully many more okra to come.  

i like to stir fry the okra or just steam it & eat with budu-cili padi-garlic-lime juice. Sometimes i just put them in curry or asam pedas. So nice to eat!!

Just received my new okra seeds (bendi emas)from En.Is. hehe. According to him, this type of okra will give more fruit than the other type of okra. Must try later.


  1. Wah bestnya fresh bendi. Lama tak makan bendi, ada setengah tahun kut.

    1. kenapa pula...kat Adelaide boleh tanam tak?

  2. Mmm hmmm. I always forget to petik my bendi on time, asyik jadi benih aje. Yours look really good.

    1. Mama Pongkey, i pun takut dia jadi tua. but i juga tak nak petik bendi tu terlalu awal. macam waste ja kan masih boleh membesar...dilemma la. nasib baik yg tua one masih boleh jadi benih tak waste kan

  3. Wah..wah some improvement...more rajin updating this time err...keep it up....wah u pun makan bendi cicah bubu jugak olive...haiyyooo..respek laaa...dis one must be bendi singa id more fruits...

    1. hehehe. ada improvement ada hadiah tak. hahahah. jz kidding ah. yes it is bendi singa but tis time kecil la bendi ni

  4. petik masa muda, rasa dia lagi sedap & rangup. No need to cook, just eat raw with nasi, best..

  5. har? eat raw??? tapi macam very "hairy". okay okay i will try. eat raw shld be better

  6. this round my okra dont grow so well, may be i planted in pot or due to extreme weather recently. this round tak cukup makan.
