Friday, February 1, 2013

What is your weight Giant Cucumber?? Answers Revealed

So who are the winners?

Let the pictures do the talking....
I am 1.4 kg old cucumber

I am 0.9 kg green cucumber
We are 1.8 kg green cucumbers!
The lucky winners with the closest answer are 
1.Hitomi Lavender (She said the weight of green cucumber is 1 kg)
2.Puteri Purnama  (She said the weight ofgreen cucumber is 940 g)
3.ReiHasana        (She said the weight of old brown cucumber is 1.5 kg)

Thanks all for joining this little contest! 

Oh ya, those lucky winners please email me your address okay (


  1. whoaaa..congrates to all the winners...:D

  2. hahaha hai olive, tak sangka saya,tekaan saya hampir tepat ye?.
    Terimakasih olive.

  3. Conratulation to the winners. My boys will go crazy if they can get their hands on your big cukes.

  4. wah..congrats2...hadiah saguhati utuk penyertaan contest takder yer olive..hehehe
