Saturday, September 29, 2012

The journey of my long bean

Last month, i had planted one long bean plant, yes, only one. It grew so well and the leaves were so big. 

It was just before raya, and it start flowering. A lot of black ants surrounded the flower. I did not have a chance to see the long bean yet as the flower & baby bean keep dropping!! 

At the same time, the holiday for raya started & I went back to my hometown for about a week of time. 

I am quite worry as nobody will be there to help me to water my long bean. It was a crucial time as the plant almost bear me long bean & the plant need water to grow!!

Thing happened as I expected when I come back from holiday. Whole long bean plant was dried up. 

The plant did bear me 11 long beans, yes 11 long beans. But all were in abnormal shape and retarded

What a experience…no choice and I keep watering the plant hoping the bean will be revived back. 

But all effort were useless!!!! Arrhhhhhhh!!! 

Still, i had the luck to taste the long bean at last but all were in mini size as the whole plant was dried up eventually.


  1. Wah..kinda funny story 'the journey of my long beans' why u planted only 1? now if've regretted, should have planted like 10, at least out o it, they'll be some for u, not all retarded..heheh..

    1. ya...i think i shld change the tajuk of it. ur suggestion seen interesting to me. everytime i malas mao fikir on the title...hehehe....okay sure. nanti terus i pergi semai long bean seed lagi.

      p/s: sis, i kan dengar cakap u right, terus ada update blog :p

    2. err..title dah tukar or the earlier one, hehe..
      u r such an obeying fren, cakap sikit dah dengar hehehe..mana lg yr about cucumber? bayam? or carrot or? kailan or budu..hehe

  2. satu pokok saja? saya ada tanam 3 pokok, baru berbuah 1 urat. cuba lagi. mungkin sebab tak cukup air, tu yg retarded. hehe

    1. haha. ya only one yg bercambah. tat's y. ya, memang. sebab tak cukup air baru dia retarded. But itu la yg saya geram, last minute baru retarded! all my effort b4 tat wasted! hopefully urs one will give u more beans

  3. Your soil look good for planting bean there. I am sure the new plant will also grow well too.

    1. yaya. u r right! the soil is really still good cos i put lot of compost there. But bcos it is inside a container, so the water is a crucial component for a plant to grow

    2. Tu lah container cepat kering. Saya kalau tak de time siram yang container je yang kat batas dibiarkan sahaja for a few days.

  4. yup, must plan yr garden.. first time lynn tanam dulu pun mcm tu..grow at one each, mana la cukup! nowadays..sekali harvest enough one small family.

  5. hahaha. yes. u rite Lynn! each time can only make sayur campur...sebab semua sikit sikit ja

  6. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

    An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như mua máy đưa võng ở tphcm địa chỉ ở đâu uy tín.
