The story start from an egg....

1. The egg

2. Baby caterpillars! How many you can spot there?

3a. Growing bigger..heavy leaves eater & this type of caterpillar eats only poisonous leaves like adenium. & ya, this is the creature that always bold my adenium plants

3b. Iron man in making

4. Turning into orange-brown color

5a. Caterpillar going to enter cocoon stage

5b. Caterpillar going to enter cocoon stage

6. Cocoon

7. Cocoon going to hatch

8. Vacated cocoon

9. Tadaa.....Here i am!! I am Oleander Hawk moth (Daphnis Nerii)

10a. Caterpillar's poo poo with fascinating shape!
11. Enlarge view of caterpillar's poo poo.
Are caterpillar an engineer??