Friday, May 20, 2016

Beautiful DIY Carpet from T-shirt

I have a few bags of old cloth that sit in the cupboard untouched for quite long of time.  These old cloths were given by relative and I have the intention to recycle them into something useful. But I have been ‘so malas’ all this while. 

Alright. After I had done a Google search plus some modifications, I will show you guys a super easy way to turn the old and baggy t-shirts into carpet!! 

I can't believe it only took me about few hours to complete the carpet including cutting the shirts into strips as well as sewing the strips together into carpet. Quite impressive.

Cut your shirts into strips, 5 cm width. You can use any measurement. You need a lot of this strips.
You need a bigger piece of shirt as the base of the carpet. I used black shirt here. Use ruler to draw lines along the shirt. The closer the lines, the carpet will look nicer later. 
Then, we are ready to sew! It is very simple, just fold the strip into half and sew along the line. i used sewing machine to sew.

Keep folding and sewing untill we are done!
The sewing part is done!
Now you need to cut the strips into smaller pieces about 1 inch ...Keep hand will do, no measurement needed here.
Tadaaaaa....You just make a beautiful DIY Carpet from t-shirt!