I grow a tumeric plant in a pot sharing with kesum plants. I wanted to use the tumeric leaves in my cooking but i tak sempat. And it suddenly dried up and turned into brown color @_@.
I ignored this dried up tumeric plant for about a month. And yesterday i cleaned up the pot because i wanna grow ginger. Out of my expectation, there are tumeric roots grow beneath the soil!
The plant look small for me but the roots do develop well. Good job! Frankly, i do nothing for this tumeric plant except watering.

Tadaa...this is the yellow gold that i found beneath the soil

This the pot that i used to grow tumeric....Notice the dried tumeric leaves?

Tadaaa.....The cleaned nice color harvest
The problem is how should i use it in my cooking? i have never use it in my cooking. Beside masak lemak and fry fish, suggest me a recipe please?